Launch Day

Launch Day
Premiere Service

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Weekend Recap 10-12-10

8 weeks of open doors and it feels like it's been 80! All of the ministry teams and leaders are doing a great job of turning a school into a worship environment and they are getting fast at it!!

This week we had 2 people sign up to serve on a team! That is a big deal!!!! That is a HUGE deal!

This week the set up team set up the adult worship area in 55 minutes!!!!!! Just 10 weeks ago our 1st practice set up took nearly 3 hours!!!!!!!! How does this get accomplished? I have a few things in mind.

1. God-nothing happens without God and his provision!
2. Great team effort- we have a team of people who show up every Sunday ready to roll up the sleeves and get the job done!
3. Great leadership- Stephen and Erica Ellis have led the charge with this team and have done a great job leading!

What are we missing from this team?
1. YOU!- We are wanting to have 2 teams that rotate and right now there are still opportunities for people to partner at Stone Canyon on Sunday mornings via the set up team!

If you are sitting there thinking, "well, I am stretched in so many directions at the NG campus, I can't add another thing to my plate," I have a solution for you.


If you do something, teach someone else to do it! Having too many capable volunteers would be a great problem to have !

See you Sunday at 8am!!!! No really, see you there!!!!!!!

Commit to it, don't try, I can get a monkey and a dog to try!!!!!!!!