Launch Day

Launch Day
Premiere Service

Friday, November 12, 2010

Isaiah 55 Influence

Have you ever noticed the tag scripture of Isaiah 55: 9-11 on the blog?

In this scripture God says he "will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it."

The Stone Canyon campus lives on this scripture because God will reach people through the efforts of the church despite our weaknesses or mistakes! God gets to "have his cake and eat it to." Because as my 2 year old would say, "he is the maker of the Earth." Because he is the ruler of all things. Because he is the beginning and the end. Because he is sovereign.

If God can use Peter who disowned Jesus 3 times, if God can use Saul, an enemy of Christians, if God can use Moses the murderer, if God can use David the adulterer, if God can use any of these people, God can and will use you.

Will you let him?