Launch Day

Launch Day
Premiere Service

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Weekend Update: Commitment Sunday

Today was commitment Sunday. This is becoming a big day at FCC. It's an opportunity for the people, who call FCC Owasso their church home, to commit to financially partnering with the ministry for the coming year. The benefit of commitment Sunday is helps us to plan the budget for 2011 but that's just a benefit! The purpose of commitment Sunday is to simply do that, make a commitment.

Committing to the ministry of FCC Owasso
Committing to the spreading of the gospel all over the nation and even the world!
Committing to baptizing new believers into the Church.
Committing to restoring broken or injured marriages.
Committing to obeying Christ by helping others to Know, Love, Serve, and Share him.

God is moving through the ministry of FCC Owasso, will you commit to being a part of this?
We need to give generously of all our resources: money, time, possessions, abilities, etc. to the Kingdom work of FCC!

Week Highlights:
We are more than 25% to goal on the Love Thy Neighbor initiative!
We had more 1st time guests today: Praise God!
We had a new volunteer sign up to serve!
People are signing up for the first ever Campus Discovery Class!