Launch Day

Launch Day
Premiere Service

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Weekend Recap 12-5-10

We had another great weekend of fellowship and worship services! We began the series "Christmas Stories."

How is Jesus' story going to intersect your story this Christmas season? Will you be hungry and ready to respond or will you wait and make excuses?! Open your heart to the voice of God this month, and remember sometimes God uses subtle whispers to speak into our lives! Don't let the noise of life drowned out the voice of God in your life!


200 hours to go! We have eclipsed the 300 hour mark towards our goal of 500 hours of service towards others outside of the church family. Let's finish strong! If every adult at our campus would give 3 hours of service between now and the end of the year, we will accomplish this God size goal!! You can do it!!

Recently we rolled out an Electronic Newsletter that we will send out Bi-weekly. This will serve as another avenue to communicate and highlight things that are going on within in the FCC family.

Have a blessed rest of the week!