Launch Day

Launch Day
Premiere Service

Monday, January 10, 2011

Weekend Recap: 01-09-11

State of the church:

This weekend we got a great message from Charlie Curran, our Senior Minister, on the state of the church. We looked back a little bit to 2010 but we looked forward into 2011 and were challenged with how we can impact the kingdom this year!

1. We need to be reading our bibles
Many of us Christians simply do not read our bibles enough or at all. Remember, read you bible for transformation in your life, not just to get through it.
2. We need to worship
Worshipping God isn't something we just do on Sunday mornings, it's a mindset where God is the center of everything we do, not just the top of a checklist. As a church, we can do much more good for the kingdom together, and this starts with worshipping together during the weekend. Make it a standard that you are worshipping with the church family weekly!
3. We need to serve
This is simple, we need to be meeting the needs of those within the church and within our communities outside the church. Serving starts with our attitudes and our hearts.
4. We need to give
Generosity is the way to go! Be generous with your time, your abilities, and with your monies.
5. Invest and Invite
Acts 1:8 tells us to "Go and Make disciples." This starts with relationships right where you are! You don't have to be an expert to show someone you care about them!

God is doing great things through his Church globally and through his church at FCC, come be a part of it on Sundays at 10:00am as we celebrate what God has been doing in our lives!